(870) 830-3710

Grounds Open Sunrise – Sunset

Cemetery Plot Finder 

Find a Loved Oneโ€™s Resting Place 

Use the search tool below to locate a burial site within Center Point Cemetery. Enter the name, section, or row details to find matching records. 

๐Ÿ“ Need help? Contact us here.

Search for a Burial Plot 

Hints – search last name, first name and see if that finds your person. If not, then search first name, last name. If you find issues with finding the person who you know is buried here or there is something wrong with the data about your person, please contact us.

๐Ÿ” Enter any known details below: 

๐Ÿ“œ If the plot youโ€™re searching for is not listed, please contact us for assistance.